Aloha Editor

These guides help you to make your content editable and to develop Aloha Editor.

List Plugin

The List Plugin allows you to handle and create ordered and unordered lists within your contents. You either may select existing contents to be turned into a list, or just click the ordered or unordered list button to start a new one.

The list plugin will turn existing paragraphs into list items. Single lines separated by
tags will NOT be turned into separate list items.

1 Functional Description

Move the cursor to your desired position and click on the ordered <ol> or unordered <ul> list icon at the Aloha Editor to start creating a list. Now you can enter list elements and add a new ones by pressing enter on your keyboard. To end adding new list elements press enter twice. Now you are able to enter paragraphs again. In order to add new elements or edit existing elements just move to cursor to the desired position of the list and add via pressing enter or edit elements. To delete an element or the whole list mark the element(s) and press backspace. If you want to delete the formatting but not the content of a list, just mark the list elements and click on the unordered or ordered list button on the “Format” tab again.

You can use the tab key to indent lists or use shift-tab to outdent them if you are inside of a nested list. The type of lists and nested lists may be changed from ordered to unordered lists and vice versa by clicking the ordered list or unordered list button from the FloatingMenu.

You can remove lists by clicking the applied list type a second time, which will turn individual list items back into paragraphs.

2 Configuration settings

Add the available components 'ol', 'ul' to the editables where you want to use them:

	Aloha.settings.plugins: {
		list: {
			config: [ 'ol', 'ul' ],
			editables: {
				'#one': [ 'ul' ],
				'#two': [ ]

3 Components

The List Plugin provides two components

  • ul – for inserting unordered lists
  • ol – for inserting ordered lists