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William French, MD - Anticoagulation: Special Populations - Figure 2

Age Matters

Age does matter.  Numerous trials over the last several decades have clearly shown that the relationship between age differences and stroke risk among older patients with recently diagnosed AFib is of real concern.  For example, if we look specifically at patients aged <75 years versus ≥75 years, there is a marked increase in the incidence of stroke risk in the older category of patients, whether on or off anticoagulation with warfarin.[120] In addition, there is an important difference between men and women.  Although the overall risk in both genders is higher at age ≥75 years, it is strikingly further increased in females, which is a very important aspect for physicians to be aware of and manage in terms of using various therapies to treat AFib.

French WJ. Am J Med 2013; 126: 00-00.

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[120] Avgil Tsadok M, Jackevicius CA, Rahme E, Humphries KH, Behlouli H, Pilote L. Sex differences in stroke risk among older patients with recently diagnosed atrial fibrillation. JAMA. 2012;307:1952-1958.

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