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Steven A. Rothman, MD - AFib Treatment: General Population - Figure 13

RACE Stroke Rates

As seen in the Figure, a total of 35 out of the 500 patients in the RACE trial[59] had a thrombolic event: 5.5% in the rate control group, and 7.9% in the rhythm control group.  The higher number in the rhythm control group included 6 patients who had events after their warfarin was discontinued, and 68% of the patients who had a thrombolic event while on warfarin were found to have an INR level that was subtherapeutic.  Of interest, in 81% of patients who had a bleeding episode during this trial, the INR level was supratherapeutic (INR >3).

Rothman SA. Am J Med 2013; 126: 00-00.

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[59] Van Gelder IC, Hagens VE, Bosker HA, et al; Rate Control versus Electrical Cardioversion for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Study Group. A comparison of rate control and rhythm control in patients with recurrent persistent atrial fibrillation. N Engl J Med. 2002;347:1834-1840.

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