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Steven A. Rothman, MD - AFib Treatment: General Population - Figure 10

Misconceptions About Rhythm-Control Strategy

What about the use antiarrhythmic drugs to attempt to restore sinus rhythm in patients with AFib?  The Figure shows results of a survey of primary care physicians’ beliefs about the potential benefits of the rhythm control strategy for treating AFib[58]: 

  • 55% believed that rhythm control would help avoid initiating long-term anticoagulation therapy
  • 64% believed that rhythm control would decrease mortality risk
  • 73% thought that rhythm control would decrease the risk of stroke

– although there is no randomized clinical trial to support these beliefs.

  Rothman SA. Am J Med 2013; 126: 00-00.

Complete references for all slides


[58] McCabe JM, Johnson CJ, Marcus GM. Internal medicine physicians' perceptions regarding rate versus rhythm control for atrial fibrillation. Am Heart J. 2009;103:535-539.

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