Catto - Figure 21

Low risk NMI: Death

FIG. 21:  As seen in the left panel (A) in this Figure, the disease-specific mortality (DSM) rate by 10 years in these low-risk patients was less than the overall morality from other causes.[22]  When we looked at only the 2.4% of patients with DSM in the right panel (B), these deaths fell into 3 distinct groups: 

  • Patients who died within 12–24 months of invasive bladder cancer, meaning their physicians probably misdiagnosed or missed a more aggressive disease, whilst picking up the low-grade noninvasive tumor.
  • Patients with gradually progressive disease who had a number of treatments over the next 5 years, starting with intravesical chemotherapy, moving to intravesical immune BCG therapy, and eventually more radical treatment. In that population with progressive disease and treatment, deaths occurred over the following 5 years. 
  • A third population of patients with bladder cancer who continued being followed up with surveillance, with no recurrence and no problems until they suddenly presented with progression and metastatic disease after 5 years. Despite all the energy spent on disease surveillance, we were unable to keep those patients alive.



Linton KD, Rosario DJ, Thomas F, et al. Disease specific mortality in patients with low risk bladder cancer and the impact of cystoscopic surveillance. J Urol. 2013;189:828−33