Kamat - Figure 16

Papillary Recurrence of Bladder Cancer after Induction BCG Therapy

FIG. 16:  The next point to keep in mind is that the grade of the recurrence matters.  Often when a patient has a recurrence, he or she is labeled as having failed BCG, but the urologist or investigator forgets to recognize the grade of the recurrence and pay attention to this.

The reason the grade of recurrence is important is shown here in a study from the MD Anderson Cancer Center, where we looked at the grade of clinical Ta papillary recurrence of bladder cancer at first evaluation, 3 months after induction BCG therapy.[18]  As can be seen in the Figure, not a single patient with low-grade recurrence had loss of bladder or progression of their disease.



Mmeje CO, Guo CC, Shah JB, et al. Papillary recurrence of bladder cancer at first evaluation after induction bacillus Calmette-Guérin therapy: Implication for clinical trial design. Eur Urol. 2016;70:778−85  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eururo.2016.02.031