Criner - Figure 10
Monitoring and Follow-up
FIG: 10: In terms of pharmacologic therapy, the 2017 GOLD report stresses that patients should be monitored, and the doses of their prescribed medications, inhaled or oral, should be reviewed.[8] Adherence to the prescribed medical regime should be reviewed, and the inhaler or nebulizer technique used to deliver these agents should be reviewed with each patient. The effectiveness of the treatment regimen should be evaluated at that time to see if it is accomplishing what the goal was, either to improve the patient’s symptoms or their quality of life, and the medication side effects should be reassessed to decide whether to suggest continuing the present treatment plan or to make modifications, if needed.
Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD). Global strategy for the diagnosis, management and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2017 report). Accessed May 14, 2017.