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Schaefer - Figure 17 - CVD events vs HDL

This Figure from a meta-analysis by Greg Brown[31] plots reduction in CVD events (on the Y-axis) versus change in the HDL minus LDL levels (on the X-axis). As shown in the Figure, for every 1% lowering of LDL cholesterol level, there is about a 1% reduction in CHD risk. Conversely, for every 1% rise in HDL cholesterol level, there is about a 1% reduction in CHD risk.

Schaefer E. J Clin Lipidol. 2011; 5(6).
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[31]Brown BG, Stukovsky KH, Zhao XQ: Simultaneous low-density lipoprotein-C lowering and high-density lipoprotein-C elevation for optimum cardiovascular disease prevention with various drug classes, and their combinations: a meta-analysis of 23 randomized lipid trials. Curr Opin Lipidol 2006;17:631-636.

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