ZuWallack - Figure 19
Changes in Muscle Enzymes Following Exercise Training in COPD
FIG. 19: More recently investigators demonstrated in biopsy specimens that after exercise training there was a significant increase in oxidative enzymes in the ambulatory muscles, showing that improvement in exercise capacity and reduction in lactate is associated with a metabolic effect in the muscles.[15,16] In other words, this is a real physiologic effect.
Maltais F, Simard AA, Simard C, et al. Oxidative capacity of the skeletal muscle and lactic acid kinetics during exercise in normal subjects and in patients with COPD. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1996;153:288293.
Maltais F, LeBlanc P, Whittom F, et al. Oxidative enzyme activities of the vastus lateralis muscle and the functional status in patients with COPD. Thorax. 2000;55:848–853.