The American Journal of Medicine

Safety of Prothrombin Complex Concentrates for Rapid Reversal of Anticoagulation with Vitamin K Antagonists: A Meta-analysis

Another caveat: a word of caution about embracing this 4-factor PCC for all bleeds.  It should be reserved for individuals with truly life-threatening or severe hemorrhage.  That is because it can actually cause thrombosis.  This does not happen very often, but in the meta-analysis of 27 studies, reviewed in Figure 25, the overall rate of thrombotic events (including pulmonary embolisms, myocardial infarctions, and stroke) was about 1.4%.[18]

Certainly faced with a severe hemorrhage that is threatening a patient's life, the healthcare giver is going to do whatever possible to stop the bleed, but the physician should still realize that with PCCs there is a small risk of thrombosis.    

Hylek EM. Am J Med 2014; 00.



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