The American Journal of Medicine

The CHADS2 Stroke Risk Score in Patients with AFib: Index Score Points and Disease Prevalence

To optimize the appropriate use of warfarin, or anticoagulation in general, several risk scores have been developed to calculate the risk of stroke in patients with AFib.[8]  A premier example is CHADS2 risk score, which is an algorithm that assigns index points to different risk factors.  As shown in Figure 9, the letters C-H-A-D-S- stand, respectively, for congestive heart failure, hypertension, age >75 years, diabetes mellitus, and stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA).[9]  The first four elements are given 1 point, whereas stroke or TIA, conferring the highest risk of a future stroke, is assigned 2 points.  Thus on the CHADS2 score the maximum number of points would be 6 and the minimum would be 0.  

Bhatt D. Am J Med 2014; 00.



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