Improving Patient Care Through Medical Education
WebEdCafé is a proprietary web educational system that is owned and operated by Dane Garvin Ltd. (https://www.danegarvin.com/). Dane Garvin Ltd. is an educational resource company. We provide educational development and support services to the international healthcare industry. This includes medical schools, institutions, societies and associations, publishers / journals, and commercial entities.
The WebEdCafé system deliveries turnkey operational status to our clients for their web educational needs. The system incorporates the following integrated elements: - Branded website and associated webpage(s) design - Learning Management System (state-of-the-art CME compliant) - Data collection and management (metrics & analytics) - Automated data reporting to accreditation entities (CME and other specialty boards) - The ability to run both accredited or non-accredited programs (US & European) - Simultaneous hosting on international websites (US & European) - Inclusion of social media and traditional promotional support for our educational endeavors
Please contact us if you have interest in superior web education design and delivery.
Dane Garvin Ltd. https://www.danegarvin.com/