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Underberg - Figure 7 - Despite the Importance of Early Detection, FH Is Under-diagnosed in the United States

Despite the importance of early detection, FH remains under-diagnosed not in the United States but also throughout the remainder of the world.  Data from the World Health Organization (Figure) shows that in the United States, <10% of patients with FH were diagnosed, but even in areas where there are increased populations of FH patients, such as in Canada, and specifically in areas of Quebec, only 17% of FH patients are accurately diagnosed.  So on the surface, this certainly is not encouraging.  
Underberg J Clin Lipidol. 2012;
Complete references for all slides


[28] World Health Organization Human Genetics Program. http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1999/WHO_HGN_FH_CONS_99.2.pdf.

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