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Underberg - Figure 10 - Statins Have Significantly Improved CHD-Free Survival Rates in People with FH

The next important step is treatment - and again the data show that when statin therapy (our initial and ideal therapy currently in patients with FH) is appropriately prescribed, the result is significantly improved CHD-free survival rates in patients with FH.  These are data (Figure) that were published in the BMJ in 2008 showing that when statin-treated patients are compared to a cohort of non-statin treated patients with FH, the cumulative event-free survival rates are significantly greater in those treated with statins than those who are not treated with statins.  These are observational data, not the results of a placebo-controlled, blinded study (doing such a study in FH patients would be considered unethical), but they clearly show that patients who have been treated with statins seem to do better. 
Underberg J Clin Lipidol. 2012;
Complete references for all slides


[30] Versmissen J, et al. BMJ. 2008;337:a2423.

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