Urology - The Gold Journal

Patient Self-testing/Management Reduces Major Thromboembolic Events

Physicians can improve patients' control of their warfarin serum levels in various ways.  Obviously educational programs are very helpful.  Sometimes having patients test their own INR levels and manage their own warfarin dosage can be highly effective.  Bloomfield[13] reported a very significant reduction of risk of major thromboembolic events in patients who did self testing or self management using a portable device, such as the one illustrated in Figure 9. Camm J. Am J Med 2013; published on-line at http://education.amjmed.com/00000.


[13] Bloomfield HE, Krause A, Greer N, et al. Meta-analysis: effect of patient self-testing and self-management of long-term anticoagulation on major clinical outcomes. Ann Intern Med. 2011;154:472-482.