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American Journal of Medicine

Hylek - Prevention and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism - Figure 5
Prevalence of Venous Thromboembolism by Age

Figure 5 illustrates the dramatically increased prevalence of VTE with age.[3] The Figure shows the results from a population-based study in Western Australia, with the dark squares representing males, the lighter squares females; it can be seen that the annual incidence of symptomatic DVT or PE increases from 0.03 at age <20 years to upward of 5.36 per 1,000 at the age of 80 or over.   Hylek E. Am J Med 2013; published on-line at http://education.amjmed.com/00000. 


[3] Ho WK, Hankey GJ, Eikelboom JW. The incidence of venous thromboembolism: a prospective, community-based study in Perth, Western Australia. Med J Aust. 2008;189:144-147.

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